Thursday, December 29, 2022

How to Know if a Guy Likes You

You’ve just started seeing a guy, and you’re a little nervous. He seems interested, but you know full well that guys often show interest at the beginning and then do the slow fade. Ghosting. Breadcrumbing. Random texting. Next thing you know, you feel like you’re being strung along. And as long as you hear from them occasionally, it’s hard to break free.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why texts from guys often mean nothing
  • 15 tell-tale signs he’s into you

Today, I’m going to share with you a few signs that he’s into you, he genuinely likes you, and that you can trust he wants to move the relationship forward.

First of all, let’s establish that just because a guy texts you does not mean he’s really interested in you. I know it seems baffling because you would never text a guy that you’re not interested in, but men do it all the time.


Because they’re bored. Because they’re lazy. Because they’re too busy to talk. Because they’re confused and ambivalent. Because they have too many options. Because, because, because…

The fact is, it doesn’t matter if a guy texts you occasionally. Texting is fine, but it’s the least intimate and least important form of communication. So, don’t give some guy a free pass because he pings you from time to time. Instead, pay attention to the following signs a guy likes you.

1. He makes plans for the next date, on the date.

I’m not saying it’s imperative for a guy to do this, but if a guy is so into you that he locks down another date before the night’s even over, it’s a pretty clear indication he’s sincerely interested. As I teach in Love U, it’s not what happens on the date, it’s what happens AFTER the date that tells the real story of whether he’s interested.

2. He compliments you frequently.

Maybe he’s talking about how sexy you are. Maybe he’s talking about how funny you are. Maybe you say saying he hasn’t met anybody like you in a really long time. But when a guy can’t stop saying his inner thoughts out loud, it’s certainly positive. Genuine compliments don’t guarantee that a man wants to be in a relationship with you, but they do suggest that he’s excited about you, which is usually a good place to start.

3. He brings you around other guys.

A lot of men compartmentalize their love lives from the rest of their lives. You’ll see him on Friday nights at his place. He’ll take you out to a dinner or a Sunday hike. But if you’ve been seeing him for months and you still haven’t met his friend group, something is off. A man who introduces you to his friends is letting you know a few things. He is proud of you. He wants to show you off. He sees you fitting into his life. He wants you around even when he’s doing guy things. Those are some pretty obvious signs he likes you.

4. He calls you.

I know it’s a relic from the 80s and the 90s, but that’s sort of the point. If a guy actually takes the time to talk to you on the phone, it means he wants to speak to you. He wants to connect with you. He enjoys your company platonically. It means he’s not just sitting in front of his TV, eating dinner and, texting five other women at the same time. 

Phone calls were once as disposable as texts. But now, a phone call, a Zoom call, or FaceTime is almost like a mini-date. Not many guys use the phone as it was originally intended, but trust me, a good old-fashioned phone call is a good sign a guy likes you.

5. He cares about making you feel comfortable.

You’ve been around guys who were insensitive to your needs and feelings. Men who are so narcissistic that it never even occurs to them that your opinions matter, too. Well, consider it a good sign when your man makes an effort to ensure you feel connected. He maintains eye contact when you’re speaking. He doesn’t look at other girls when you’re around. He’ll let you know that his awkward silence doesn’t have to do with you. 

He notices if you’re starting to feel uncomfortable and immediately addresses the situation. You can’t always tell if a guy is going to be “the one,” but you have a much better chance when he prioritizes your feelings.

6. He asks you out.

It may sound silly, but I can’t tell you how many women I’ve coached throughout the years who are convinced that a man was interested, even though he didn’t ask you out. Maybe he flirted with you. Maybe he texted you. Maybe you even went out before. But if a guy isn’t actively making plans with you to see you quickly, he’s not that interested.

7. He acts like he’s attracted to you.

This one is tricky because just because a guy finds you attractive doesn’t mean he “likes you.” Many women have fallen for guys who came on strong with eye contact, body language, and aggressive sexual behavior and taken it as a great sign that he wants a relationship. Plenty of guys pursue sex with no interest in love, so we don’t overestimate the value of attraction. On the other hand, if a man does not demonstrate his interest physically – if he does not try to kiss you, sleep with you or otherwise show affection, he probably sees you as just a friend.

8. He’s in touch with you every day.

Ambivalent guys, avoidant guys, on the fence guys, they wait a few days between contact either to let you know not to get too attached to them or because they’re genuinely not even thinking about you. Guys who are thinking about you every single day will generally let you know that they are thinking of you because they want to be in touch. 

It doesn’t have to be flowers. It could be little things: an emoji, a call before you go to sleep, or any other sweet gesture. These are behaviors of men who make for the best boyfriends.

9. He talks about your future.

That doesn’t mean he’s mentioning marriage on date one. But it does mean he’s doing a lot of “when can we see each other again?” or he’s excited about when you meet his friends or family, or he openly muses about when you can take a trip together, or when he could bring you to a friend’s wedding. That means he doesn’t just see you merely as Ms. Right Now, but he’s thinking of future plans.

10. He posts about you on social media.

You’ve been with men who keep you a secret. When you ask them why they don’t post about you, they start acting weird, deflecting, and saying that they just don’t do that. This is why it feels good to see him sharing photos of you with his whole network. It’s a validation that he feels the same way that you do, that he isn’t shy about sharing his feelings with his other friends, and that he genuinely likes you and sees you as a love interest. 

Most men don’t post on social when they’re doing casual; the consequences are too great. But if you see your face on his Instagram, it’s a clear example of what a potential boyfriend should be doing.

11. He wants to know if you’re seeing anybody else.

Not because he’s jealous or controlling, but because he really likes you and wants to know whether he’s in the running to become your boyfriend. When a guy is genuinely interested, he’s the one who’s pushing the relationship forward. You don’t have to. That’s the beauty of when a guy is really excited about you. 

No need to have an awkward conversation about exclusivity. No looking for subtle signs he likes you. A man with long-term potential escalates things and offers to take down his profile to be with you.

12. He wants to spend time with you platonically.

You know what it’s like to hook up with random guys. You’ve been a booty call before, although that wasn’t your intention. You’ve gotten the late-night texts when you first started dating: “R U Up?” “What are you wearing now?” “Wanna come over?” “Send pix.” 

It’s easy to mistake this sexual banter as a sign a guy likes you and is genuinely interested. But the truth is that a healthy relationship involves being best friends, spending quality time together, and developing true feelings over time. Sure, it’s fun when a guy likes you and wants to have sex, but men who have boyfriend potential act differently. Through consistent effort, he shows you how he feels about you.

13. He has listening skills and pays attention to what you have to say.

As you’ve noticed, there are a lot of men who don’t ask questions when you’re going out with them. Part of this is nervousness – his way of showing interest is bragging how great he is so he can convince you to give him a chance. Part of this is cluelessness – he has no idea he’s dominating the conversation. But another part of this is that many guys don’t actually care about what you think. They want you to smile and nod and look pretty. 

But a quality man will demonstrate his interest by paying attention to your stories. He will listen intently, ask questions, pick up on small details and store them away for future plans.

14. He remembers details about you and does something about them.

You’ve had guys make direct eye contact and lie to you about all the things you’re going to do together. Such men are huge disappointments, and they can make you lose faith in the good guys. But every once in a while, you’ll have an experience with a man who reminds you what it’s like to be fully seen. 

He’ll remember your favorite candy. He’ll recall where your friends went to college. He’ll mention the story you told him about your ex-boyfriend. There is no more obvious sign that a guy is into you than the fact that he cares enough about you to go the extra mile. One day, you note a gorgeous necklace in a jewelry store window. Six months later, he gets you the necklace because you mentioned it once.

15. He treats you the way he treats his friends and family.

Sure, it’s fun to date during those first few weeks when you’re obsessed with each other. But him being attracted to you is different than him actually LIKING you. And if you want a sign that a guy likes you, pay attention to how loose he acts around you. Does he engage in playful teasing? Does he laugh easily in your presence? Is he as comfortable around you as he’d be around his best friend? It doesn’t take a relationship coach to point out that marriage is the single most important relationship you’ll ever have, and if it’s going to thrive, one of the classic signals of success is his ability to let down his guard and be himself around you.

This is just a partial list of signs a guy likes you. It’s not a literal checklist. He doesn’t have to do all of them – especially not so early in your relationship. But do take notice of how you feel in his presence, how much effort he makes for you, and whether you feel you can be yourself around him. Because it’s not just about finding a guy who likes you; it’s about finding a guy who makes you want to act all these ways with him.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Online Dating Coaching

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand how online dating works
  • Find out whether you need a dating coach to find lasting love
  • Learn about Love U and how you can greatly benefit from it


The Technological Revolution Drives Today’s Romance

Using the Tools

Why Get a Dating Coach at All?

Is a Dating Coach Worth the Cost?

Online specialists

How to select an online dating consultant – Evan Marc Katz weighs in

How do I know I’m ready?

Love U and Online Dating Classes

Online Is Here To Stay

The Technological Revolution Drives Today’s Romance

In the Victorian era, suitors made personal invitation cards – often spicy. There was a language of flowers and fans. And inevitably, chaperones. Needless to say, it was complicated.

In the 21st century, the technological revolution has impacted modern romance in ways that are still not fully understood. But in the long run, we’re still the same people we were in the era of fainting couches. We still want real love, long-term relationships, marriage, and healthy relationships. While we may arrive at our matches in a different way, using different tools, the end goal is generally the same.

Using the Tools

For younger users, many of the tools we use for dating are taken for granted. For those of us who are not “digital natives,” it can be more challenging. Even those fluent in the internet may have trouble keeping up with all the options and fast changes. 

Traditional dating sites and long, descriptive online profiles are still in play on sites like Match and OkCupid, but the world is dominated by the swipe right-swipe left apps: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Coffee Meets Bagel. Each of these may have different etiquette or standards. If you’re new to the dating scene or have taken a break, it can be hard to keep up!

One of the great things about an online dating coach is that they’ll have done the research. They’ll know which sites and apps are appropriate to your situation and which are useless. They might encourage you to become more familiar with certain technologies, or avoid them altogether. They’ll understand the changing mores and etiquette of online dating.

Why Get a Dating Coach at All?

You may be thinking, “I have friends and family who give me all my dating advice!”

Friends and family are terrific. But part of what makes them your friends is that they’re biased in your favor, and we love them for that. Family is usually loyal to you. Even worse, maybe they still see you as the child or teenager they knew. They’re giving advice based on the old you. They may see choices that just don’t match up with where you are in life now. A few might even be perceptive and brutally honest. They might tell you the truth about what isn’t working for you and your choices. But they’re not experts; all they know is that they love you and want you to be happy.

This is where a dating coach can be really helpful. It’s not just a matter of giving advice. A dating coach benefits from being objective and experienced. It’s their job to assess where you’re at, what’s not working in your love life, and what blind spots you have when it comes to choosing the wrong partner. The best coaches have a huge body of knowledge gathered from working with hundreds, possibly thousands, of clients. They’ve seen it all.

They’re able to come up with a personalized, comprehensive plan to get you the love you deserve. Sometimes it’s a matter of uncovering limiting beliefs that may have held you back, or figuring out why it’s so hard to find and sustain a romantic relationship. If you have self-esteem issues, you’ll work on confidence. If you struggle with online dating, you’ll work on your marketing and attracting higher-quality men. If you struggle with communication, you’ll discover how to set healthy boundaries with the men you’re seeing.

You’ll get total clarity about what’s been holding you back, as well as the skills to trust your judgment when it comes to dating and the right partner.

The key here is that while dating advice is plentiful, everyone’s dating experience is different. You are unique. Your entire life has led up to this moment. Your past continues to shape your dating world. When you work one on one with the best dating coach, you’re getting a customized experience, a tailored approach to your love life and its challenges. When you talk, your coach gives their full attention to YOU, listening actively with a focus on your personal relationship goals.

Is a Dating Coach Worth the Cost?

You’re right, these services aren’t free. Dating coaches charge a fee – it is a business as well as a service. The best coaches have specific skills and experience that can’t be found elsewhere. And yet, some people have trouble prioritizing their future happiness. We’ll spend money on that remodel or vacation, but not on something that could last for decades.

Maybe you consider a great haircut or new outfit part of your dating strategy. The problem is that those are external solutions. They may be great to boost your confidence at the moment and make you more attractive to the opposite sex. But that doesn’t fix the biggest issue you have with online dating – learning to sift through the 90% of men who are time wasters and attract the top 10% of men. Imagine learning a better communication style, advice that gets you out of your comfort zone, and more discernment about potential partners; that’s a confidence builder that lasts!

Online specialists

An online dating coach has expertise in various online platforms, as well as online dating communication from texting to emails to Zoom and FaceTime calls. They can look at your online profile or help you write a new one. They’ll assess your photos to see if they’re really working for you. They’ll help you find the right platform or dating apps for you and your stage in life and point you in the right direction of compatible dates who contact you. Their advice is specifically geared toward success in online dating.

The other great aspect of online coaching is that having a virtual, online coach is especially easy and convenient. City traffic and parking are a non-issue, as is the availability of a coach in less-populated areas. Working with a coach from the comfort of your home can allow you to relax and actually enjoy the process of online dating.

How to select an online dating consultant – Evan Marc Katz weighs in

To find out what you should be looking for in an online dating coach, we checked in with Evan Marc Katz, the longest-serving dating coach in the world. Since 2003, he’s been helping singles find success. If you’re ready to hire someone, you couldn’t do better than this: He’s won awards, written four books, been lauded by Oprah, and started Love U, a one-stop-shop to teach you everything you need to know about dating, relationships, and men.

Evan is the gold standard: you can find hundreds of testimonials from clients, a blog that reaches 35 million people, a podcast downloaded 2 million times, and a personal passion for coaching that makes him exceptionally hands-on and over-delivering. He is quick to admit that anyone can call themselves a dating coach. But what separates the wheat from the chaff are the sustained experience in the field, training, and a skill set honed over the years.

He notes that he helps clients with everything from the more superficial – your dating profile and photos – to focusing on deeper issues that help you break free from old patterns.

So when you look for a coach, you’ll want to look for someone with a similar background – a combination of deep roots in this particular kind of counseling and the personal skills and dedication that really focus on you and your needs. Use Evan’s credentials as a guideline – or simply go to Evan Marc Katz and Love U to get the most highly regarded program of all.

How do I know I’m ready?

Do any of these sounds like you?

  • You’re already doing or considering online dating.
  • You want to connect, but don’t trust your judgment to pick an online match.
  • You’ve endured multiple toxic relationships, wasting too much time on the wrong men.
  • You don’t feel confident in your social or dating skills.
  • You haven’t dated in a while and find modern dating daunting and confusing.
  • Your time is valuable.
  • Your self-esteem is not what it could be.
  • You’re less interested in casual dating than you are in finding a real relationship.
  • You find yourself being unsure of what it is you really want.
  • You’re ready to settle down, but not to settle.
  • You’re worried that you’re getting older, and the good men are gone.
  • Too many first dates and last dates.

If you’ve asked yourself in the past year what it is you’re doing wrong, why your dating and love life isn’t satisfying, and where that great guy and potential partner is hiding, the time is now.

Former clients often say they can’t believe that it took them so long to seek a dating coach. Like you, they may have thought that they could do it themselves. Not everyone goes when things are good. Some people had to hit rock bottom: The end of a long relationship. The loss of a parent. An empty nest. A big birthday – realizing you’re turning 40, 50, or 60. You don’t want to wait until that point; you want to do something proactive. NOW.

When you join the thousands of single women who’ve found love by talking to a dating expert, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

Love U and Online Dating Classes

While great coaches like Evan are passionate about one on one coaching and the tailored experience of direct contact, there can be a great benefit in online classes. In Evan’s case, Love U features learning modules that provide you with information about all aspects of dating and romance. It also ties you into a like-minded community of strong, smart women with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Having all of this online is so convenient. In Love U, for instance, you’d access video, audio, transcripts, and exercises for 6 monthly modules covering: Confidence, Meeting Men, Dating, Understanding Men, Relationships, and Commitment. In addition to six months of unique content, you get access to 6 months of group coaching with Evan Marc Katz and 6 months of support and Q&A in the Love U community – so that you can learn to trust your judgment with men once and for all.

Online Is Here To Stay

From all indicators, online dating and communications are not going away anytime soon. Online dating apps and dating sites are abundant. It’s probably best to ride that horse in the direction it’s going and learn how to embrace it. Dating coaching services, especially online dating coaches, are here to help. Finding real love may just be a few clicks away!

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Dating With Class(ES)

You spend a lot of time in school, learning all kinds of things that you may never use again (I’m looking at you, quadratic equation). But for a lot of life’s most challenging endeavors, most of us are simply thrust into the world like baby sea turtles, making a dash for the ocean before we get picked off by predators. You’re rarely given the knowledge that might be useful in dealing with dating, romance, and sustaining relationships.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been making it up as you go along, trying to sort out good information from bad. You’ve read books, done therapy, talked to your friends, subscribed to dating coaches on social media, and absorbed the usual cliches about what to do or not do.

Despite all the great technology out there, meeting the right man for a meaningful connection seems more difficult than ever. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could start with something like “Dating 101”, focusing on confidence, first-date conversations, or the ins and outs of online dating? Then you could move forward into advanced courses that offer social skills, communication skills, research, and best practices that lead to romantic success.

Well, fortunately, there are a few options out there for learning to have healthy relationships. Of course, there’s traditional therapy, but if you’re looking for targeted assistance specific to dating life, you may want to explore these emerging dating classes. Let’s look at one of the most prominent of these “class-based” learning venues, Love U.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn about prominent dating classes
  • Find a dating program or classes that’s right for you
  • Discover Love U and why it’s a one-stop shop for dating, relationships, and men



Love U

What is Love U?

Like most of us, you’re busy. How much time does a program like Love U take?

What happens on Love U Live group coaching calls?

How To Choose a Dating Education Program

Why Go To Love School?

Do Dating Classes Really Work?

What Kind of Women Use Dating Classes?

Love U

One of the best programs out there is the brainchild of dating coach Evan Marc Katz. He is one of the longest-practicing dating consultants in the world, having started his work in 2003.

He’s written four books on the subject, been featured in hundreds of high-profile media articles, from the New York Times to Oprah, and won the first dating coach of the year award. He has a blog that’s been seen by 35 million people, a podcast that’s been downloaded 2 million times, and is the founder of Love U, a comprehensive course for women who want to understand men and find love. Thousands of his clients have fallen in love, gotten married, and found lasting happiness.

Katz noticed in his first few years of practice that many of his dating coaching clients were smart, strong, successful women who just couldn’t seem to find quality men and make good choices with their boyfriends. That was the impetus for creating Love U. Evan is passionate about empowering his clients to make healthy choices and achieve their long-term relationship goals, but he wanted a way to go beyond one-on-one consultations. In addition to his own expertise about how men think. Evan realized that a full community of support from other Love U graduates added a depth of knowledge that produced even better results for his clients who struggle with the dating game.

What is Love U?

Love U is a one-stop-shop to teach you everything you need to know about dating, relationships, and men. It contains video/audio/transcripts and exercises in the form of 6 monthly modules. Each month focuses on a different subject – each aspect of finding love and the tools to develop for relationship success:

  • Month 1: Confidence
  • Month 2: Meeting Men
  • Month 3: Dating
  • Month 4: Understanding Men
  • Month 5: Relationships
  • Month 6: Commitment

In addition, to six months of unique content, you get access to 6 months of group coaching with Evan Marc Katz and 6 months of support and Q&A in the Love U Live community, filled with smart, strong, successful women who are going through the same process. You’ll get to ask questions about a gamut of subjects as you go through your journey. The group provides feedback and suggestions that help you feel more confident about your judgment. From help with your online dating profile to learning to set healthy boundaries or make smarter choices around sex and commitment, you’ll feel supported and encouraged. After a short time, you’ll start to trust your decisions with men once and for all.

Like most of us, you’re busy. How much time does a program like Love U take?

In each week of Love U, there are an average of 30 minutes of videos on different relationship topics. Evan says that if you give him 5 minutes a day, he will give you a husband. By the time you graduate, you’ll have had access to life-changing information and a whole new outlook on true love and how to find it.

What happens on Love U Live group coaching calls?

While Love U is a video-based curriculum, you get the best results when you can ask questions, get support, and have Evan hold your hand through this process. Each coaching call starts with a 10-minute lecture, followed by 10 minutes of connecting with other women in breakout rooms, followed by a live Q&A that lasts for the duration of the call. In Love U, you get:

6 months of live coaching calls, where you can meet other smart, strong, successful women who are going through the same Love U process. Whether you ask or not ask questions on the live sessions, you will learn tons from the epic Q&As. If you have a work conflict or are in a different time zone that prevents you from attending, each coaching call is posted privately inside Love U the next day so you can watch, listen, and take notes.

6 months in the Love U Community, where you can get assistance from Evan and hundreds of other smart women. Whether you ask a question about the guy you’re seeing or the boyfriend who may not be as great as he seems, the ladies of Love U (and Evan) will give you a clear and confident perspective on what to do next. This way, you don’t have to rely on your mom or your friend who gave up on men for relationship advice. The dialogue between you and the other women who have succeeded in Love U has proven to be exceptionally powerful.

Combine the videos and exercises with the coaching calls and community, and you have a first-class version of Love U. Clients who graduate report unprecedented improvement in every aspect of relationship success.

How To Choose a Dating Education Program

While Love U is one of the most highly regarded programs available, there are others. But remember, anyone can hang their shingle and start giving classes. While the internet is a great tool with which to start, you’re going to want to search for reviews about the program and check the experience and qualifications of the instructors. There will be face-to-face and online options

Having a virtual, online coach is especially easy and convenient. City traffic is no longer an issue, nor is the availability of a coach in less-populated areas. Working with a program from the comfort of your home can allow you to relax and be more honest.

In the case of Love U and Evan Marc Katz, he has been doing this for 20 years and has well-established reviews and references. You’ll want to look for a program featuring a dating consultant with a similar background – a combination of deep roots in this particular kind of counseling and the personal skills and dedication that really focus on you and your needs.

Why Go To Love School?

If you’re like most of the women enrolled in Love U, there’s been a gap between what you’ve accomplished in your career and what you’ve accomplished in love. Sometimes your self-confidence needs some bolstering. You may need to focus on uncovering limiting beliefs that have held you back. Maybe you’re learning how to deal with the “new rules” of online dating, or how to navigate the tricky areas of sex and desire. Or perhaps you’re simply having trouble figuring out what healthy dating feels like and why it’s so hard to find and sustain a romantic relationship.

See if any of the following apply to you:

  • You’re already dating online.
  • You have endured multiple toxic relationships.
  • You don’t feel confident in your social or dating skills.
  • You haven’t dated in a while and find modern dating (and dating apps) daunting and confusing.
  • Your time is valuable.
  • Your self-esteem is not what it could be.
  • You’re less interested in dating than you are in finding a partner.
  • You find yourself being unsure of what it is you really want.
  • You’re ready to settle down, but not to settle.

Do Dating Classes Really Work?

Evan jokes that he has more marriage success stories than most coaches have clients, but it’s not really a joke. He has hundreds of Love U testimonials, providing plenty of evidence that this kind of program works. Take some time and read the glowing reviews from women who have found their life partners with coaching services and dating classes. If you’re ready to find a life partner, it’s important to make it a higher priority than a lot of other ways you could spend your time and money.

Don’t sell yourself short. You deserve happiness, and sometimes it takes a professional to help you get there.

What Kind of Women Use Dating Classes?

It should come as no surprise that they’re women like you. Like you, they’re intelligent, discerning, work hard, and have a lot to offer. Like you, they’re used to being successful but can sometimes feel like a failure in the area of relationships. Like you, they may have thought that they could do it themselves. Sometimes, they had to hit rock bottom: The end of a long relationship and the hurt that goes with that. The loss of a parent. An empty nest. A big birthday – realizing you’re turning 40, 50, or 60. If any of those things describe you, you don’t want to wait until that point; you want to do something proactive.

No matter what age you are, now is the time to start the journey that leads to a transformed experience. When you learn your love lessons, you’ll be excited to put them into practice. Graduating from a program like Love U gives you the resources to master modern romance and create a healthy relationship that will truly last.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, December 23, 2022

Is “Happily Ever After” Just a Fairy Tale? Have You Tried a Dating Consultant?

Are you tired of meeting men with whom you have nothing in common? Or men who seem great – and interested – but then ghost you? Or even that great guy you enjoy on dates, but who just doesn’t seem ready to commit? 

Are you at the point where you are beginning to realize that you may not be the best at figuring out how to handle the increasingly complex world of dating and modern relationships? It may be time to bring in the experts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn why you need the help of a dating consultant
  • Determine when you’re ready to explore a professional dating consultant
  • Get direct answers to frequently asked questions from a dating consultant


Getting Professional Help

What Can You Expect To Learn

What Kind of Woman Uses a Dating Consultant?

Is It Time To Go Pro?

Is a Dating Consultant Worth It? Do They Really Work?

Ask a Real Dating Consultant

The Bottom Line – Access Means Success

Getting Professional Help

Friends and family are great, but they are biased. They should be biased – in your favor – that’s why you’re friends. And family, bless their hearts, see you in a certain way based on things that aren’t currently your reality. A few might even be honest enough to tell you the truth about how they really feel about your choices. But they’re not experts; all they know is that they love you and want you to be happy.

A dating consultant benefits from being objective and experienced. It’s literally their job to determine what’s not working in your love life, and what blind spots you have when it comes to choosing the wrong partner. They see you as you are today, without any history or baggage. They’re able to come up with a personalized, comprehensive plan to get you the unconditional love you deserve.

What Can You Expect To Learn

If self-esteem issues have been making you settle for less than you deserve, you’ll work on confidence. If you struggle with who you’re attracting via online dating, you’ll work on your “marketing skills,” learning how to promote your best qualities and attract higher-quality men. If you struggle with giving too much or too little, you’ll discover how to set boundaries with the men you’re seeing. 

You’ll start to hear the old scripts that are no longer of service. By the time you’re done, you’ll have greater clarity about what’s been holding you back. New dating skills will help you be able to trust your judgment when it comes to how to proceed in the dating world.

What Kind of Woman Uses a Dating Consultant?

You’re a successful, independent woman. You work hard. You look good. You’re financially self-sufficient. You keep busy with activities, friends, and family. You love your life but really would love to share it with someone. You find yourself going to friends’ weddings alone to avoid the implied complications. You’re home for the holidays without a partner. You’re seeing other couples post cute photos on social media.

Your standards are high. You don’t want to settle on the wrong man, but you’re starting to wonder whether you’re too picky. Even though anyone who knows you would describe you as a great catch, dating, relationships, and men might make you feel just a little bit insecure. The million-dollar question rattling around in your brain: Why is it so hard to find a great guy you’re attracted to who treats you well and wants to commit to you?

Maybe you’re afraid of rejection or abandonment – past dating experiences or even childhood traumas can accumulate. Or maybe you don’t trust your own judgment because you’ve made poor choices in the past, ignoring red flags and wasting time on the wrong men. Perhaps you’ve gone down the dark hole of thinking that you’re getting older, there are no good men left, and you’re going to grow old alone. In any case, you may have already decided that love just isn’t in the cards for you. There must be something wrong with you because none of your relationships have ever lasted, right?


Is It Time To Go Pro?

How do you know you’re ready to explore a professional dating consultant? Here’s a quick checklist; see how many apply:

  • You’re already doing online dating
  • You’ve found yourself in toxic relationships more than once
  • You don’t have confidence in your social or dating skills
  • You haven’t dated in a while and find modern dating daunting and confusing.
  • Your time is too valuable to waste
  • You have low self-esteem in relationships but high self-esteem in life.
  • You’re not that interested in dating for fun – you just want to find your person.
  • You have a hard time defining what it is you really want
  • You’re ready to settle down, but you never want to settle.

Most importantly, you’re willing to put in effort when dating coaching. You’re open to the self-exploration that gets you to dig deeper, look at your old patterns, identify subconscious thoughts, see where you’re pushing people away, and stop chasing the wrong men. It’s not easy, but your increased self-awareness means that you’ll bring a more authentic you to the table. That, in turn, ultimately leads to attracting the right person for you.

It’s likely that once you go for it and hire a dating consultant, you’ll wonder what took you so long.

Is a Dating Consultant Worth It? Do They Really Work?

Don’t take our word for it. There’s plenty of evidence. You can read glowing reviews from women who have found their life partners on dating apps with the help of dating consultants and coaches. If you’re ready to find a life partner, it’s important to make it a priority. Yes, there are a lot of other ways you could spend your time and money. Don’t sell yourself short. You deserve happiness, and sometimes it takes professional services to help you get there.

Ask a Real Dating Consultant

We went straight to an award-winning dating consultant who’s been doing this since 2003, Evan Marc Katz. He’s written four books on the subject, been featured in hundreds of media outlets, has a dating advice blog that’s been read by 35 million people, and is considered one of the leading experts on online dating, relationships, and dating strategy. As one of the world’s first and best dating coaches, he’s done the research and guided thousands of people to happy, meaningful relationships and true love.

Here’s his take on some of the questions you might have:

What makes a relationship coach an expert?

Evan Marc Katz – In my case, it’s a combination of professional and personal experience. When I first started coaching, I was still a bachelor who had gone on over 300 dates. Because of that experience, I’m very familiar with the feelings of failure and disappointment associated with years of dating and online dating. I also have a unique advantage in coaching because, as a happily married man for 14 years, I can explain what good men think. 

After twenty years of listening to women share their frustrations with dating, relationships, and men, I can diagnose what’s in your blind spot, see patterns, and cut through the limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of your success. Empowering women to choose men wisely and find long-term happiness is my passion.

How do I find a reputable dating consultant?

Evan Marc Katz – Anyone can hang out a shingle and call himself a dating consultant. Just go on YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. If you have a phone and an opinion, you, too, can be a dating coach. But before you invest in any stranger from the Internet, you’re going to want to familiarize yourself with their body of work – their blog posts, their podcasts, their videos, and, most importantly, their success stories. 

Do they just make content online, or do they actually coach their clients to success? Do they work remotely? Do they offer group coaching and private coaching options? Do they have a signature system for you to follow to guide you each step of the way? Do they focus on women like you and understand your unique situation? 

Whoever you choose should offer a high level of personal touch. A lot of dating consultants give the “illusion of help” but don’t produce the best results. With luck, you’ll find an honest person who is living the life you want to live, who takes his responsibility to you seriously, and who is committed to over-delivering.

What can I expect from coaching services?

Evan Marc Katz – In the first decade of my career, I offered 4 to 12-week coaching packages, but discovered my clients needed more time to internalize what they were learning and actually see tangible results in the form of a long-term relationship. That’s why, in 2015, I created my signature course, Love U. Love U is a one-stop-shop to teach you everything you need to know about dating, relationships, and men, with video/audio/transcripts/exercises for 6 monthly modules:

  • Month 1: Confidence
  • Month 2: Meeting Men
  • Month 3: Dating
  • Month 4: Understanding Men
  • Month 5: Relationships
  • Month 6: Commitment

In addition to the 6 months of content, you get access to 6 months of group coaching with me, and 6 months of support and Q&A in the Love U Live community – so that you can learn to trust your judgment with men once and for all. Coaching ensures you will make smart, healthy decisions that allow you to get the love you deserve.

While dating advice is everywhere, you are unique. Your entire life experience has led up to this moment. When you work closely with the best dating coaches, you’re getting an experience tailored to your love life and its challenges. When you talk, your coach listens with a focus on your personal relationship goals.

Why should I pay for something when the internet is filled with free advice?

Evan Marc Katz -While they may have good advice, they don’t always see the big picture, nor are they necessarily going to be fully honest with you. In the realm of “you get what you pay for,” free advice comes from people who, although well-meaning, may not be trained to see beyond what you’re telling them. The fact is: everyone gives dating advice: your friends, your family. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that experts who have devoted their entire lives to this subject may have a different take than your best friend? Or some cute, young, single influencer you follow on social media?

More importantly, the reason people invest in coaching services is that all the free advice in the world hasn’t delivered the result you want. There’s a big difference between knowing something and living something. Everyone knows how to lose weight, yet 50% of America has issues around weight. So even if you know the “best” way to attract and choose high-value men, if you’re not in a great relationship with one right now, you may need more support to change your behaviors.

Finally, we’re often irrational about where we dedicate our resources. What’s more important? A vacation to Europe or your happiness for the next 35 years? A remodeled kitchen or a good man who takes care of you for the rest of your life?

If I’ve just started dating someone with potential, what’s the point of engaging a dating consultant?

Evan Marc Katz – Have you ever dated someone with potential where things didn’t work out? There’s the answer to your question. Most relationships don’t work out, and we never stop to analyze why – to uncover a pattern or belief system that keeps leading you down the wrong path. So if you don’t trust your judgment with men – a distinct possibility if you’re still single – a dating coach can help you be successful. 

In other words, the guy you’re seeing may be a great guy, but questions still exist about whether he’s a repeat of your old patterns that ultimately end badly. You know what you want, but you may just not know how to get it.

People like me have the experience that offers up a bird’s eye view of dating and relationship dynamics – both through observing your behavior and translating male behavior. Former clients often say they can’t believe that it took them so long to seek a dating coach. Like you, they may have thought that they could do it themselves. Sometimes, they had to hit rock bottom: The end of a long relationship. A divorce. The loss of a parent. An empty nest. A big birthday – turning 40, 50, or 60. Technically, you can wait until you hit your low point, but it’s smarter to be proactive, so you don’t.

I’m a busy woman, how much time will it take?

Evan Marc Katz – I can’t speak for my other dating coach colleagues, but in each week of Love U, there is around 1/2 hour of videos on different relationship topics. The original tagline for Love U was “give me 5 minutes a day, and I will give you a husband.” 

But while Love U is a video-based curriculum, you get the best results when you can ask questions, get support, and have me hold your hand on our weekly coaching calls, which can last up to two hours. The beauty of an online dating consultant is that you don’t have to worry about driving to a therapist’s office to talk for an hour with no solutions. You can get online to learn about love in Love U and then ask questions about what you’re learning and their practical applications on Zoom.

The Bottom Line – Access Means Success

A neutral party like Evan only has your success in mind. It’s literally his business. When you talk to him, he’ll reveal things you hadn’t previously considered or have been ignoring. He’ll help you meet compatible men and stop wasting time in more dead-end relationships. 

He’ll go over everything from your dating profile to your typical patterns in romance. He’ll give you a to-do list of what you need to do to get started as well as more ideas on how to text, how to deal with sex, how to date multiple people, and how to have difficult conversations. If you want to learn how to get the most out of online dating – to attract quality men and weed out players, coaching is the way to go

Many of the issues you struggle with may have simple answers when an objective professional looks at your dating life from a different perspective. Dating consultants talk to you about who you really are and what it really means for you to succeed. This is a powerful place to begin.

* This article was originally published here

LIFE-RELATE-DATING-TIPS-DMT - Helena - Independent Record

LIFE-RELATE-DATING-TIPS-DMT - Helena    Independent Record * This article was originally published here ...